What We Believe

Our beliefs are formed by the truths of scripture as the Word of God.  The Old Testament scriptures were authoritatively verified by Jesus Christ in his words and ministry.  The New Testament reflects the words of Jesus passed to his disciples and recorded by them as inspired by the Holy Spirit.  We believe the truth of scripture because of our faith in Jesus as the Son of God.  

St. Mark's is a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.  As Lutheran Christians, we believe that the truths of scripture are reflected in the Book of Concord as a detailed confession of our faith.

The only true God is the Triune God.  He has revealed Himself as three Persons.

  • The Father, who created and sustains all things.
  • The Son, who became incarnate, descended down to Earth, and through his life, death, and resurrection has redeemed our fallen creation.  
  • The Holy Spirit, who creates and sustains faith, and who empowers the believer to live as a new creation.

God desires that all people would be saved and know the truth.

  • Scripture teaches that God desires that all people would be saved and come to know the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4)
  • All people are born in a state of sinfulness and subject to God's judgment. (Romans 3:23)
  • We are made righteous as a gift from God through the work of Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:24)
  • The Holy Spirit works through the Word of God to create faith, through which we receive forgiveness and salvation.  Aside from this gift of faith as a means to receive salvation, any works or effort on our part are worthless. (Ephesians 2:8-9; Isaiah 64:6-7)

God works through his means of Word and Sacrament.

  • The Word of God is powerful in creating and sustaining faith, and in continually shaping us towards God's perfect will. (Romans 10:17; Hebrews 4:12)
  • In Baptism, the Holy Spirit creates saving faith and forgives sins. (Mark 16:6; Titus 3:5-8; Romans 6:4)
  • In the Lord's Supper, we receive Jesus Christ's true body and blood with the bread and wine.  In receiving this, God continually works faith in our hearts and provides us forgiveness of sins. (1 Corinthians 11:23-26)
  • Therefore, we regularly gather together to receive from God his gifts of Word and Sacrament. (Matthew 18:20)



